Rolling Video Games Jacksonville remains dedicated to providing great service to Duval and surrounding areas under limitations of Covid-19 Pandemic. RVGJAX takes proper precautions to ensure everyone's safety. Click Here to learn more or dial (904) 508-2958 For more Information.

"We Got Games!!!"

Your Health and Safety is our #1 Concern! Together we will get through these difficult times!
Safety Precautions for Staff and Attendees:
Rolling Video Games Jacksonville (#RVGJAX) remains dedicated to providing great service to Duval and surrounding areas. We take proper precautions to ensure everyone's safety during your event. We have put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, #RVGJAX cannot guarantee that you will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, having your event with us could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19.
We wanted to let our customers know that we will remain open during our normal operating hours. As normal, we are welcoming all clients with hand sanitizer prior to entering the truck.
With that in mind, we wanted to inform you of our steps we have always taken to enhance our health and safety practices.
*Our cleaning protocols includes the use of FDA registered multi-surface disinfectant that is 99.999% effective in killing germs and proven to be effective against emerging viral pathogens.*
*This includes, but is not limited to:‪ hand sanitizing each and every customer that enters and exits the truck.
Coronavirus Awareness & Prevention. In addition...
We will explain social distancing rules and practice when applicable.
Our equipment will be cleaned after each party and will also undergo a deep cleaning at the end of each day.
We are asking staff members to stay home if they are not feeling 100%
We ask all attendees will be to wash their hands prior to all Game Truck activities and after as well.
We ask that Hosts:
Screen all guests for signs of illness and please do not invite anyone that has knowingly been ill within 10 days.
Provide masks to guests if desired.
*We will have masks available for sale at your event. Cloth masks will be $5. 3-layer disposable masks for $3**
Responsibility of Gamers:
Wash your hands frequently, and for at least 20 seconds with soap and water prior to and after the event.
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing into your elbow. (do the vampire cough)
Keep your hands away from your face, because germs routinely spread when a person touches something contaminated with germs, and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Whether you’re at home or traveling, the WHO recommends practicing good hygiene to protect yourself against infection — by washing your hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer, maintaining distance of 6 feet between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth. If you become sick, please seek medical attention quickly. Be cautious and stay safe everyone.
The most up to date CDC guidelines for Florida can be found Here.
#RVGJAX "We Got Games"